Terms and informations about the data

I use generally the spelling which is part of the sources. In order to be able to read the texts easier, and to be able to search to specific terms, I have simplyfied some terms.
- The date is always written as dd-mmm-yyyy
- The number of the piece of ground (Plannummer) I have abbreviated to P#; since 1944 it was called in German Flurnummer, At 1944 the number of the realty is no more like 203 1/3 but 203/3 for example. I have always made the number to three digits, therefore not 10 but 010.
- The number of the house (in german Hausnummer) is abbreviated to H#
- The numbers of the houses or the realty has always three digits, therefore not P#1 or H#10 but P#001 and H#010, or instead of P#96a P#096a or instead of H#31 1/2 H#031/2.
- Bes#: in German Besitzernummer or owner e.g. 1/72, this is in contrary to the H# an owner which does not have a house in Kriegshaber, who is living outside. When he is building a house on this ground he gets a normal house number.
- DSt: in German Dominikalsteuer, which is a tax which was given to the owner of the ground, which was no more a tax after 1848/1852. At his time the leaseholder had payed a certain amount of money (about 18 times the yearly tax) to get rid of the Dominikalsteuer.
- Dez = this is 1/100 of a Tagwerk, a Tagwerk is an amount of land of 3407 square meter. This is similar to an acre which is 4047 square meter.
- EDSt = Einfache Dominimalsteuer, which is the tax which was payed to the owner of the land until 1848/1852.
- ERSt = einfache Rustikalsteuer, tax for the realty, which was payed to the state.
- EW = Einheitswert, which is a standard value of the realty/house at a specific time, in order to generate the tax for this realy/house. Let say the EW is generated at 1954, than the town is creating a percentage in order to get the current value of the realty/house, let say 1960 130%, 1965 140 % and so on. This is a way to simplify the generation of the taxes for the various years.
- fl = Gulden or Florint (almost a dollar) = 60 Kreuzer = 480 Heller; at 1876 one fl was calculated to 1,71 Mark.
- ha = Hektar which is 10000 square meters, almost 2 and half acres.
- Hl = Heller, a 1/480 of a Gulden
- JB: yearly amount in terms of money
- Kr = Kreuzer, 1/60 of a Gulden
- KS = page of the Kataster
- M = Mark, former unit of money in Germany; or Metzen, which is about 37 Liter
- MV = Messverzeichnis = number of the measurement of the realty
- N = Nutzanteil, a part of the common realty of the village, a specific house in Kriegshaber can have one N or a part of it eg. one half
- RSt = Rustikalsteuer, tax for the ground (not for the house)
- S = Sechzehntelmetzen, a 1/16 of a Metzen or about 2.3 Liter
- Sch = Scheffel, a measurement for grain = 6 Metzen, about 222 Liter
- Tgw = Tagwerk which is about 3407 squaremeter or a little less than an acre
- V = Viertel = 1/2 Metzen, which is about 18.5 Liter
- VZ = Verhältniszahl, which is factor to valuate the quality of the ground, which is necessary to calculate the tax for the ground, this factor is multiplied by the amount of the ground, to get the tax, this VZ can be 1 to 30, depending on the quality of the earth or the wood etc.
WH etc = Wohnhaus, house including barne, garage, auxiliary building, courtyard
An example to calcualte the bavarian measurement of capacity; Bavaria before 1803/1806 consists of many small territories, which had measurements of their own; e.g. Kriegshaber was a village of one territory of several swabian territories;
one example of the source: 6 M in the Swabian measurement was about 4 M 1 V 2 1/2 S of the old bavarian measurement;

One example of purchasing power

Using the search functions you can search for a number like eg. 030, then you will get all 030 regardsless of H#030 or P#030. But you also can search for H#030, then you get only all records containing H#030.

It may be difficult to determine who owned a specific realty if this did not have a house on top.
You have two different options to find it:
- you can look for the estate map of the office for measurement of the ground, this is a part of the local government, as far as Kriegshaber is concerned, there are maps of the years 1831, 1866, 1892, here you will find the number of the realty (in black figuers) and the number of the house (in red), however you must know, that the number for the house may be different in the various Katasters, however you will find e.g. in the Kataster of 1867 the new house number which was valid for 1892 in a different colour; therefore I always enter the current number of the house for each description of the realty;
- the other function is available to search for a specific number of the house.

I did not try to enter all informations of the sources, I concentrated on the items such as the date of purchase, the price for the realty, the name of the vendor and the new owner. Other items such as the name of the notary, the number of the contract are not entered by me. If availabe I entered the number of the measurement when the realty was split or the number when a new house was measured.

State of the entered data
I try to enter all houses which exists in the Kataster 1840, 1867 and 1892, for some house I also entered the data of the supplements, when in the meantime a realty was sold completely or partly.
The size of the village Kriegshaber was not the same beginning from 1808 to now. We had some changes in size such as 1938 where parts of the village Oberhausen came to Kriegshaber or about 1970 where some parts of Kriegshaber came to Stadtbergen and other parts of Stadtbergen came to Kriegshaber. If a certain realty was in 1831 a part of Oberhausen, the number for the realty normally stays unchanged and the changes stay in the former Kataster e.g. Oberhausen. Somtimes it may be that two realty are close together, one belongs to Kriegshaber and the other part belongs to Oberhausen, which have both the same owner, then the two realty will get one number for the realty and the other number will no more exist. This information will be entered to the Kataster (to both in my example Kriegshaber and Oberhausen).
Overview Cadastre of Kriegshaber

last change: dokukatasterdatenen 14-Jan-2013 Upd 16-Dez-2018
Heinz Wember

Quellen aus dem Stadtarchiv Augsburg

B: Luis Dürrwanger: Augsburg-Kriegshaber, Kulturhistorische Beiträge zur Ortsgeschichte , Dissertation, München 1935, (kompletter Text)
C: Luis Dürrwanger: Unveröffentliches Manuskript zur Geschichte von Kriegshaber (Teil 2): die kirchliche Entwicklung, Geschichte im Kontext zur Markgrafschaft Burgau, um 1953 (Stadtarchiv Augsburg)
D: Luis Dürrwanger : Unveröffentliches Manuskript zur Geschichte der Juden in Kriegshaber (Teil 3), um 1953, (Stadtarchiv Augsburg)
AA: Verzeichnis der Akten im Stadtarchiv, die Kriegshaber betreffen AB: Neu katalogisierte Bestände im Stadtarchiv Augsburg bezüglich Kriegshaber
Änderungsstand dokukatasterdatenen: 16-Dez-2018
Übersicht Kriegshaber
Änderungsstand dokukatasterdatenen.php: 23-Nov-2020
Heinz Wember