The system describes the numbers for the cadastre for tax in the year 1840 or the numbers for the realty in the map

The cadastre of 1840 and the maps of 1831 are showing the status of our region after the mediatization of the margravate of Burgau. In order to understand the complicated allocation some comments of the former history will be given.

Our region belonged to the bishop of Augsburg in the high middle ages. Before this time there are no more written sources available, these sources were destroyed a long time ago. We had in Kriegshaber two farms or ranches (we always had both cattle and corn). The space between the little villages such as Kriegshaber, Stadtbergen, Oberhausen, Westheim a.s.o was a big cattle run, which extended down the small river Schmutter on the west side and almost to the river Wertach on the east side. This pasture belonged also to the bishop but there was a contract with the ranchers that they could herd their cattle, mostly cows and sheep. After the secularization at 1802/1803 when all territories of the church (all dioceses in the Bavaria of today and many abbeys had territories which where immediately under the german king/emporer) came to the bavarian king (the elector of the former much smaller territory of Bavaria became king at 1806). So the territory of the bishop of Augsburg came to King Max I. from Bavaria. The city of Augsburg (it was called Reichsstadt - imperial city, also being immediately under the german king/emperor) was under the emperor Franz II. until 1806. Then also Augsburg became part of the kingdom of Bavaria. All ground outside of Augsburg which belonged to the bishop came to Bavaria, the ground of the foundations (in our case the Heiliggeistspital) belonged to a foundation which was located in the city. Our farmer Marstaller belonged in former times to the Heiliggeistspital, after 1803 this ground became a foundation called Paritätitische Stiftung. The farmer had to pay in addition a special tax called Dominikalsteuer to this foundation, the other two farms which belonged to the baron of Rehlingen had to pay the Dominikalsteuer to him, the Rehlingen were located nearby at a castle named Hainhofen.

Now again to the situation of the ranchers which herded the cattle at the ground belonging now to the kingdom. There was a big legal battle lasting almost 50 years. At the time of the cadastre in 1840 the situation was not solved but meanwhile the king understood, that the ranchers had some rights. Therefore the farmers were allowed to herd the cattle, the king was allowed to use the central part of the ground for his army, then all villages involved got lateron (after 1848) money. Some parts of the ground came directly to the villages, which they could distribute to the population of the village, but only to these houses which exists at the time of the change of the property at 1803. The parts of the cattle ground before 1803 which were distributed to the related villages are called Gemeindeteile (ground of the villages). There were Gemeindeteile for the villages Kriegshaber, Oberhausen, Stadtbergen a.s.o. In the following I will talk about only about the ground of the village Kriegshaber.

The system for the numbers of the realty which was installed at 1831/1840 is still valid nowadays. In total Kriegshaber had at that time almost 500 parts of the ground with separate numbers. Until the year 1944 these parts were called Plannummer, after 1944 they were called Flurnummer. When one piece of ground was divided, let's say the realty number 139, then the new parts got numbers like 139 1/2, 139 1/3 and so on, depending on the numbers which were created. The original piece of ground was smaller but it had still the original number 139. After 1944 the numbers where changed, then it were called 139/2, 139/3 and so on.

Map of 1831 with the plan numbers in black colour and the related house numbers in red for the owners of the realty.

The plan number 1 is the realty which is located north the the Ulmer Straße und east of the Neusässer Straße (former company Linde-MAPAG or today Spektrum), then increasing towards east until number P#036 (today Ulmer Str. 144); then still eastwards the ground belonged to the next village Oberhausen. This was changed at April 1st 1938, when some parts of Oberhausen came to Kriegshaber.).
On the other side (south of the street Ulmer Str.) we had the plan numbers 37 until 62 (P#037 to P#062) between Ulmer Str. and Rockensteinstr. going westwards with encreasing numbers.
The next block of numbers P#063 until P#092 was called the Elend (distress, misery, I assume the name came for the poor people who lived there, between Rößlestr. and Kriegshaberstr.)
Next block is the houses of the western parts of the Markgrafenstr. with the numbers P#093 until P#108.

Up to then all existing houses had a planning number. Now the ground of the farms got realty numbers: these were the realty south of the Elend (Markgrafenstr.), called the Gemeindeteile am Osterfeld P#109 until P#131.
The area Osterfeld (an old name for this area, meaning the field eastwards) had the numbers P#132 until P#142, this area was without houses in the year 1831, the field got houses after 1850 and abount 1880 the whole field contained houses. Before the houses were build this area belonged to the three farmers of Kriegshaber.
Next block is P#143 until P#195 (Gemeindeteile am Osterfeld), the area was surrounded by Markgrafenstr., Langenmarkstr. (former Habsburger Str.) and Hummelstr.
Next field has the realty numbers P#196 until P#258 which was surrounded by the streets nowaday named Schelklinger Str., Langemarckstr. and Rockensteinstr.
Next block is P#259 until P#272 called the Gemeindeteile an der Straße (at Ulmer Str. Schärtlstr. and Ramsbergerstr.
The northern parts of the area Ulmer Str. Reinöhlstr. and railway had the numbers P#273 until P#275, P#275 1/2 and P#275 1/3.
The next block of numbers P#276 until P#302 were not given. This was unusual, normally all numbers were continually used.
The southern parts eastward to the Reinöhlstr. got the numbers P#303 until P#379 (called am Galgenthal, the name coming from the fact when in the times before 1806 the Galgen (gallows) of the city of Augsburg was located here.
The big areas for the cattle, now the parade ground for the bavarian army, got the number P#437.
The cemetary for the jews located inside the former area got the number P#438.
Next block had the numbers P#444 until P#450 (called Mäder what means meadow). Again this ground was used by the three farmers.
Now we have an area located north of the Ulmer Str. and west of the Neusässer Str. with the numbers P#451 until P#488, called the Ober- Mittel- and Unterfeld. Again these fields were used by our farmers. Nowaday houses are located here, anothers big part of these realty belongs to our Zentralklinikum (central hospital) which was opened at 1982.

Then the farms also used the area called Kriegshaber Gemeindeteile but this area belonged to the village Oberhausen, like the parts north of the Ulmer Str. which were tranferred to Kriegshaber at 1938.
Our farmers also had other fields and meadows which were located at the villages Stadtbergen, Oberhausen, Steppach and Westheim. Then as already said the farmes herded their cattle at the Exerzierplatz but only at those days where no guns where in use. Also the meadows were mowed as a picture of 1939 is showing.


Last change dokukat1840systemen; 07-Feb-2014 Upd 15-Dez-2018
Heinz Wember

Übersicht Kriegshaber
Änderungsstand dokukat1840systemen.php: 23-Nov-2020
Heinz Wember